Black Sex Link Chicken Breed: All About Eggs and Care

The Black Sex Link chicken is a hybrid breed that has garnered a lot of attention for its impressive characteristics. Raised primarily for egg production and meat, this breed is highly valued by backyard poultry enthusiasts and small-scale farmers for its hardiness, high productivity, and friendly disposition. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore every aspect of the Black Sex Link breed, including its history, physical characteristics, egg-laying ability, health, and more.

By the end of this post, you’ll have a clear understanding of what makes the Black Sex Link such a sought-after chicken breed.

Here is a detailed table summarizing the key facts and figures for the Black Sex Link chicken breed:

Breed TypeHybrid (Rhode Island Red x Barred Rock)
Average Weight (Hen)6-7 pounds
Average Weight (Rooster)8-9 pounds
Lifespan5-7 years
Egg ColorBrown (light to dark)
Egg Production5-6 eggs per week (300-350 eggs per year)
Egg SizeMedium to large
First Egg Laying Age20 weeks (5 months)
Egg Shell StrengthStrong
Sexing ChicksEasy (males darker, females lighter)
BroodinessNot broody (rarely incubates eggs)
Cold HardinessTolerates up to -22°F with proper protection
Heat ToleranceHeat tolerant with access to shade and fresh water
TemperamentCalm, friendly, non-aggressive
Caring for HealthNeed calcium supplements for strong eggshells
Meat QualityLean, tender, good for small-scale meat production
Noise LevelQuiet (roosters crow softly)
Space Requirements4 sq. ft. per bird in the coop, 8-10 sq. ft. in a run
Compatibility with Other AnimalsFriendly, social with other chickens and animals
Common Health RisksParasites, respiratory infections, vitamin deficiencies

Introduction to Black Sex Link Chickens

The Black Sex Link chickens are a crossbreed, a hybrid between the Rhode Island Red and Barred Rock chickens. These parent breeds were selected for their egg-laying capabilities, hardiness, and overall excellent qualities. As a hybrid, the Black Sex Link benefits from what’s known as hybrid vigor, meaning it possesses the best traits of both parent breeds.

The chickens are especially prized for their high egg production, tolerance to different climates, and mild temperament. They are known to be incredibly easy to raise, making them an ideal choice for both first-time and experienced poultry keepers. These chickens offer a great balance of performance and personality, providing eggs consistently for years and requiring less attention than some other breeds.

Black Sex Link Chicken Breed
Black Sex Link Chicken Breed

Black Sex Link Chicken History

The history of the Black Sex Link chicken is relatively short compared to some traditional chicken breeds. Developed in the mid-1900s, this hybrid was carefully bred to combine the egg-laying ability of the Rhode Island Red with the disease resistance and hardiness of the Barred Rock.

Historically, as demand for efficient poultry farming grew in the United States and around the world, hybrid chickens like the Black Sex Link were created to meet these needs. Farmers and homesteaders wanted chickens that could produce a large number of eggs and also withstand various climates and conditions. The Black Sex Link was an answer to that demand.

The main appeal of this hybrid is its predictability: the chicks can be sexed at hatch based on color, making it a much more convenient option for farmers. Unlike other breeds, where gender determination might be challenging early on, the Black Sex Link is known for its ability to easily identify roosters from hens, saving time and effort.

Are Black Sex Link Chickens a Heritage or Hybrid Breed?

Black Sex Link chickens are a hybrid breed, not a heritage breed. This means they were intentionally bred from two different purebred lines, the Rhode Island Red and the Barred Rock, to combine specific traits for higher productivity.

  • Heritage Breeds: Heritage breeds are naturally occurring chickens that have been bred over several generations without much alteration. They tend to have a slower growth rate and may not lay as many eggs as hybrids. Examples include Rhode Island Red, Plymouth Rock, and Leghorn.
  • Hybrid Breeds: Black Sex Links, on the other hand, are bred for specific traits. Hybrids like the Black Sex Link are bred to have high egg production, strong immune systems, and greater resistance to diseases. The hybrid vigor of the Black Sex Link makes it more productive than many purebred chickens.

Black Sex Link Chicken Appearance

The appearance of the Black Sex Link chicken is striking and easily recognizable. These chickens have a unique black and brown feather pattern that distinguishes them from other breeds.

  • Size: Black Sex Link chickens are medium-sized. Hens typically weigh around 6-7 pounds, and roosters weigh slightly more, at 8-9 pounds. Their size is perfect for both egg-laying and meat production.
  • Feather Color: The plumage of a Black Sex Link is primarily black with various shades of brown, often giving them a speckled or darker appearance. Some birds may have feathers with a greenish sheen in the sunlight. Their feathers are thick and dense, helping to protect them in both cold and hot climates.
  • Physical Features: The Black Sex Link has a single comb, which is typical of most chickens. The comb is red and slightly smaller compared to some other breeds. Their wattles are also red, and their legs are bare, a characteristic trait of many egg-laying breeds.
  • Sexual Dimorphism: One of the key features of Black Sex Links is that their chicks can be sexed by their color. Males, or roosters, are usually darker with a more black appearance, while females, or hens, tend to have lighter brown feathers mixed with black.

Black Sex Link Chicken Breed
Black Sex Link Chicken Breed

How Much Do Black Sex Link Chickens Weigh?

As mentioned earlier, Black Sex Link chickens are considered medium-sized birds, which makes them suitable for both egg-laying and meat production.

  • Hens: The average weight of a Black Sex Link hen is typically between 6-7 pounds. Their weight is ideal for egg production, and they are light enough to be comfortable in a smaller backyard setting.
  • Roosters: The roosters are slightly heavier, typically weighing 8-9 pounds. While they are not as large as some meat breeds, their weight is substantial enough to make them a viable source of meat, especially in homesteading or self-sufficiency scenarios.
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Average Black Sex Link Chicken Lifespan

The lifespan of Black Sex Link chickens is typically around 5-7 years, although many factors contribute to the longevity of any chicken, such as diet, care, and environmental conditions.

  • Peak Egg Production: These chickens are most productive in the first 3-4 years of their lives. During this period, they lay eggs regularly, typically about 5-6 eggs per week.
  • Post-Peak Egg Production: After their peak egg-laying period, Black Sex Links may lay fewer eggs per year, but they can still live for many more years as non-laying birds.
  • Health Considerations: Proper care, including a balanced diet and regular health checks, can help extend their lifespan. Additionally, ensuring your chickens are in a safe environment free of predators and diseases is essential for their long-term health.

Black Sex Link Chicken Egg Color

Black Sex Link chickens are known for their excellent egg-laying abilities. The eggs they produce are typically brown in color, making them a desirable option for egg producers.

  • Egg Color: The eggs laid by Black Sex Links are mostly brown, though the exact shade can vary from light to dark brown depending on the individual chicken. This consistent egg color makes Black Sex Links a popular choice for backyard farms and commercial egg production.
  • Egg Size: The eggs produced by Black Sex Links are medium to large. Their consistent size makes them highly marketable, and the strong eggshells reduce the likelihood of breakage, which is important for anyone collecting eggs for sale or personal use.
  • Egg Quality: The eggs of Black Sex Links tend to have strong shells due to the chickens’ intake of calcium-rich foods. Additionally, these eggs are known for their rich flavor, which is a favorite for families that rely on their flock for fresh eggs.

Black Sex Link Chicken Breed
Black Sex Link Chicken Breed

How Many Eggs Do Black Sex Link Chickens Lay?

One of the main reasons Black Sex Link chickens are so popular is their high egg production. These birds are highly productive, laying eggs consistently throughout the year.

  • Egg-Laying Rate: Black Sex Link chickens typically lay 5-6 eggs per week, which totals around 300-350 eggs per year. This is significantly higher than many other chicken breeds, making the Black Sex Link a reliable source of fresh eggs.
  • Peak Production: Black Sex Links typically begin laying eggs at around 20 weeks of age, or 5 months. Their egg production tends to peak within the first few years of life, after which it may slightly decrease, but they will continue to lay eggs consistently for several more years.
  • Environmental Impact: While Black Sex Links lay eggs year-round, their production rate can be affected by factors such as seasonal changes and daylight. In winter, when daylight hours are shorter, egg production may decrease slightly. However, they are still one of the most reliable egg layers, even during colder months.

Breeding Black Sex Link Chickens

Breeding Black Sex Link chickens can be a bit tricky since they are a hybrid breed. Hybrids tend to have less predictable offspring when bred together, which can lead to inconsistent traits in the next generation.

  • Hybrid Nature: Since Black Sex Links are a hybrid of the Rhode Island Red and Barred Rock, breeding them together will not always result in offspring that share the same characteristics. Typically, breeders recommend crossbreeding the Black Sex Link with one of the parent breeds to get more predictable results.
  • Sexing Chicks: One of the standout features of the Black Sex Link breed is the ability to sex chicks at birth based on their coloration. Males and females can be easily identified by their color patterns, which saves time and effort for poultry farmers.
  • Egg Production & Broodiness: Black Sex Links are not known to be broody, meaning they don’t often sit on their eggs to hatch them. This can make breeding a bit more challenging compared to other breeds that have stronger maternal instincts.
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Are Black Sex Link Chickens Broody?

The Black Sex Link chicken is generally not broody. Broodiness refers to the instinct some hens have to sit on and incubate their eggs until they hatch. However, Black Sex Links are more focused on egg production and don’t typically exhibit this behavior.

  • Managing Broodiness: If a Black Sex Link hen does become broody, it is important to manage this behavior properly. Removing her from the nesting area and providing a comfortable, separate space for her will typically break the broodiness.
  • Lack of Broodiness: The lack of broody tendencies actually makes these chickens more efficient in terms of egg production since they do not waste time incubating eggs and can continue laying.

Black Sex Link Chicken Breed
Black Sex Link Chicken Breed

Are Black Sex Link Chickens Hardy?

One of the main reasons Black Sex Link chickens are so widely loved is their ability to thrive in a variety of climates and environments. Their hardiness makes them perfect for both cold and hot climates.

  • Cold Hardiness: These chickens can tolerate cold temperatures down to -22°F when wind chill is factored in. Their dense plumage helps to insulate their bodies, keeping them warm during the winter months. However, proper draft protection and a well-insulated coop are important to ensure they stay warm in extreme cold.
  • Heat Tolerance: Black Sex Links are also heat-tolerant, making them suitable for areas that experience high temperatures. Providing access to shade and fresh water will help keep them comfortable during the summer months.

Common Black Sex Link Chicken Health Risks

While Black Sex Link chickens are generally healthy, like all poultry, they are susceptible to a few common health risks. Keeping an eye on their health and providing proper care can help prevent these issues.

  • Parasites: Like all chickens, Black Sex Links are at risk of external parasites such as mites, lice, and ticks. Regular cleaning of the coop and monitoring your flock for signs of parasites is essential.
  • Vitamin Deficiencies: Black Sex Links, like all chickens, need a balanced diet that includes sufficient calcium for strong eggshells. Calcium deficiency can lead to soft or broken eggs, so providing a calcium supplement (such as oyster shell) is necessary.
  • Respiratory Infections: Good ventilation in the coop is important to prevent respiratory infections, especially in warmer climates where humidity can build up.

Black Sex Link Chicken Breed
Black Sex Link Chicken Breed

Are Black Sex Link Chickens Good Meat Chickens?

Although they are primarily known for their egg-laying abilities, Black Sex Link chickens are also good meat chickens. They are considered dual-purpose, suitable for both egg production and


  • Meat Quality: The meat from Black Sex Links is lean but tender, making it a great choice for anyone looking to raise chickens for both eggs and meat. While they aren’t as large as some meat-specific breeds like the Jersey Giant or Cornish Cross, they provide a substantial amount of meat for small-scale poultry farming.
  • Processing: If you’re raising Black Sex Links for meat, they are relatively easy to process. Their moderate size and lean body make them ideal for homesteading or small backyard farms where both eggs and meat are desired.

Are Black Sex Link Chickens Noisy?

Black Sex Link chickens are generally considered quiet chickens. Unlike some more vocal breeds, these chickens do not produce loud crowing or clucking.

  • Roosters: The roosters may crow, but their crowing is usually not as loud as that of other rooster breeds.
  • Hens: The hens are relatively calm and only make mild clucking sounds, usually when laying eggs or communicating with other flock members. This makes them ideal for urban or suburban environments where noise can be a concern.

Black Sex Link Breed Temperament

The Black Sex Link is known for its calm and docile temperament. They are affectionate birds that enjoy interaction with humans, making them a favorite among backyard chicken keepers.

  • Social Behavior: They tend to do well in flocks, getting along with other breeds of chickens. Their friendly demeanor makes them great for families with children, as they are gentle and easy to handle.
  • Personality: Black Sex Link chickens are not known to be aggressive. They are curious and playful birds that are always eager to explore their surroundings.
  • Adaptability: Their friendly and non-aggressive nature also makes them suitable for cohabiting with other animals on the farm, such as ducks or goats.

Black Sex Link Chicken Breed
Black Sex Link Chicken Breed


Are Black Star Chickens sex linked?

Yes, Black Star chickens are sex-linked hybrids, with males and females having distinct physical features, though their offspring won’t maintain these characteristics.

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Are sex-link chickens good for meat?

Sex-link chickens are dual-purpose birds, offering both solid egg production and decent meat quality, making them suitable for small farms.

What is the lifespan of a sex-link?

Sex-link chickens typically live 2 to 3 years in backyard conditions, though some may live up to 8 to 10 years with optimal care.

What is the personality of a sex-link chicken?

Sex-link chickens are friendly, docile, and easy to manage, making them ideal for families and first-time chicken keepers.

Can sex-link chickens reproduce?

While sex-link chickens can reproduce, their offspring can vary greatly in color, growth rate, and egg production, offering no consistent advantage for breeding.

What is the lifespan of a black chicken?

Black chickens, such as the Ayam Cemani, typically live 5 to 8 years with proper care, thriving in both warm and cooler climates.

Why are black chickens so expensive?

The rare all-black coloring of breeds like the Ayam Cemani is due to a genetic mutation, making these chickens harder to breed and more expensive.

What do Black Sex Link chickens look like?

Black Sex Link chickens have a dark, blackish-brown appearance, with hens being lighter and roosters darker, both having red combs and wattles.

How much do Black Sex Link chickens weigh?

Black Sex Link hens typically weigh 6-7 pounds, while roosters are slightly heavier at 8-9 pounds, making them a medium-sized breed.

How long do Black Sex Link chickens live?

Black Sex Link chickens generally live between 5 to 7 years, with peak egg production occurring during the first 2-3 years.

What color eggs do Black Sex Link chickens lay?

These chickens lay brown eggs, ranging from light to dark shades, depending on the individual hen.

How many eggs do Black Sex Link chickens lay per year?

Black Sex Link hens are prolific layers, producing an impressive 300-350 eggs per year, or about 5-6 eggs per week.

Are Black Sex Link chickens good for meat production?

Black Sex Link chickens are dual-purpose, providing tender, lean meat while also being highly productive egg layers.

Are Black Sex Link chickens broody?

Generally, Black Sex Link chickens are not broody, meaning they do not often incubate their eggs, making them excellent for consistent egg production.

What is the temperament of Black Sex Link chickens?

Black Sex Link chickens are known for their calm, friendly nature, and they enjoy human interaction, making them great for families with children.

How noisy are Black Sex Link chickens?

Black Sex Link chickens are relatively quiet, with hens making soft clucking sounds and roosters crowing at lower volumes compared to other breeds.

What kind of housing do Black Sex Link chickens require?

They require a secure coop with adequate space—4 square feet per bird inside the coop and 8-10 square feet per bird in an outdoor run.

Are Black Sex Link chickens hardy in extreme weather conditions?

Yes, they are both cold and heat-tolerant, capable of withstanding temperatures as low as -22°F when provided with proper shelter.

Are Black Sex Link chickens easy to raise?

Yes, Black Sex Link chickens are easy to raise due to their hardiness, friendly temperament, and excellent egg production, making them suitable for beginners.


The Black Sex Link chicken is a remarkable hybrid with a variety of desirable qualities. From its exceptional egg production to its hardiness, this breed excels in many areas. Whether you’re raising them for fresh eggs, meat, or as friendly companions in your backyard, the Black Sex Link is an excellent choice.

With proper care, a secure living environment, and a balanced diet, your Black Sex Link chickens will thrive and reward you with a reliable supply of eggs, occasional meat, and a friendly disposition. This breed offers a high return on investment in both productivity and personality, making it one of the most reliable and popular choices for both beginner and experienced poultry farmers.

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